Monday, October 31, 2005

Working for an "Outie Award" recipient...

I've only been in my new job two full weeks - and yet on Thursday, I found out that my new temporary employer, Hewitt Associates, has been named in the Out & Equal Workplace Advocate's Outie Awards for a "Out & Equal Award for Significant Achievement." The Out & Equal press release says:

Hewitt Associates has contributed significantly to making the world a better place to work for its LGBT associates by working at creating an environment safe enough for anyone who wants to be out to do so without any fear of repercussions to their career advancement. The Affirmations exhibits have been a highly visible, high impact, bold way of doing this.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that October 1st, there was less than a 50% chance of me going to work there; that only on October 14th, did I know for sure that I was starting on the 17th; and that by October 25th, the "Outie" press release was out.

Yeah, right...

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